Looking for a Deal Right Now?
2025 Specials
With Premium Waters, you get consistently great-tasting water in convenient bottles, but we don’t stop there. Premium Waters wants to keep you healthy and happy, and we’re always looking for ways to provide you with money-saving deals.
January & February Specials
Stay Warm, Stay Hydrated
Purchase 3 or more cases of our distilled 1 gallon (3pk) and get them @ $4.50 per case.
Try Our Coffee!!!
Purchase 3 boxes of our Keurig K-Cup coffee at regular price and get the 4th box FREE!
March Special
Saying Goodbye to Winter & Hello to Water
Purchase 3 cases or more of our .5 liter (24 pk) water and get them @ $5.50 per case!
April Specials
Add a Little “Spring” to Your Step
Purchase 3 cases or more of our Water Joe 20 oz (12 pk) @ $7.50 per case and get an additional case of Water Joe FREE!
Purchase 3 cases or more of our .5 liter (24 pk) water and get them @ $5.50 per case!
May & June Special
It’s Graduation Season!!!
Purchase 3 cases or more of our 10 oz water and get them @ $4.75 per case.
July & August Special
Enjoy that Soft Water this Summer
Purchase 3 or more bags of our water softener salt at regular price and get a $2.00 discount per bag.
September & October Special
When Touring the Fall Colors, Don’t Forget the Water
Purchase 3 or more cases of our alkaline water at regular price and get a $2.00 discount per case.
November & December Special
‘Tis the Season for Sharing Hydration
Purchase 3 cases or more of our 20 oz water and get them @ $7.50 per case.
Brands and offer may vary by market.
Call for Details!
Minnesota: 800-332-3332
Wisconsin: 800-326-4426
North Dakota: 877-868-1500