How does the following sound for your work place: increased productivity, improved morale and lower absenteeism? It’s a simple fact that drinking water and staying hydrated during the day lead to improved performance at work. It’s estimated that the average worker operates at only 65% of his or her potential if not properly hydrated.
Providing office water coolers or bottled water options at the workplace is one of the easiest and most cost-effective ways to keep your staff healthier and more productive. It’s no secret that staying properly hydrated leads to a healthier, happier lifestyle, so it’s pretty simple math that dictates that we should be drinking plenty of water while we’re at work—where most of us are for at least 40 hours a week.
Our Water Study Sheds Light on How Businesses Purchase and Consume Water
Premium Waters Inc. recently had an independent water study done by deploying surveys both online and via telephone to businesses in the Upper Midwest, with specific focus on the states of Minnesota, North Dakota and Wisconsin. This was a blind customer/brand study; respondents were not aware that Premium Waters was the sponsor. The reason for the study was simple: We wanted to further understand our position in the marketplace, and learn how we can continue to grow and evolve to best serve the unique needs and challenges of our customers.
Over 90% of Business Customers Recommend Water Jug Delivery
Our water study found that nearly 75 percent of businesses are purchasing water jugs (3, 4, and 5 gallon) as their preferred water source, followed by bottled water (nearly 50 percent) and water coolers/filtration systems (41 percent). As a whole, business customers are very satisfied with Premium Waters and would recommend them to others.
Among business customers who purchase water jug delivery, overall satisfaction is very high (above 90 percent) among four attribute categories:
- Location
- Ease of Ordering
- Delivery Speed
- Customer Service
Overall satisfaction with primary water jug suppliers is very high, with 93.5 percent either satisfied or very satisfied with their primary supplier. Businesses stated that quick delivery and ease of ordering impact their overall satisfaction with their service.
Water Isn’t the Only Thing Being Delivered
In addition to water services, overall satisfaction for coffee suppliers is high, with 81.2 percent either satisfied or very satisfied with their primary supplier. The key drivers for overall satisfaction are customer service and e-commerce. Businesses value having quality coffee at the office—100 percent of coffee users will continue to use their primary supplier in the future, and 93 percent would recommend their supplier to others. Customer loyalty for Premium Waters’ coffee services mirrors the loyalty we see from our water customers.
This research also found that 37 percent of bottled/specialty water customers purchase custom-labeled water bottles. Of those, nearly 64 percent said having turnkey services was important.
Quality, Consistency, Variety, Convenience
The water market is constantly changing. Customer preferences now include flavored, sparkling, caffeinated and performance waters.
Having access to a variety of quality water products is not always convenient. Drinking plenty of water, however, is essential to workers overall health and well-being. Without convenient delivery services to your office, your employees and customers may not be properly hydrating or refueling their bodies for maximum energy and vitality.
Premium Waters has developed a new ecommerce website and a rewards program for any referrals any of our customers send our way. As an added bonus, we are extending the new rewards program to all of your employees as well, in the form of a discount for signing up for water delivery services to their homes.